Friday, June 25, 2010


Dawnstar leaps on Dusk Peak and calls her clan together. "Welcome to Duskclan!" She mews. "Im Dawnstar, as you all know. Id like everyone to indroduce themselves, please." Dawnstar hopes this will help her clan get to know eachother better.

(Comment under post)


  1. Metoerpaw immeadeatly padds up to Wavefeather. "Arent you the new medicene cat? It'll be great to have a mentor and a cat that acctually knows herbs around." She mews. "I dont know anything exept yarrow makes cats sick, and sadley I know that from expreience." She countinues, flicking her ears in annoyance.

    Pantherhunt sits and watches from the side, to nervous to speak and afraid he'll say the wrong thing.

    Dawnstar calls from Duskp Peak. "Pantherhunt, you shall mentor Dragonpaw"

  2. *Ravenflight padded towards to Leafmist* hello! my name is Ravenflight! *Dragonpaw padded to his new mentor* hello Pantherhnt, I guess your my mentor? *Dewdrop padded to Dawnstar and dipped her head* as you know, my name is Dewdrop and I am your deputy *and shelooked at Flameflicker* and Flameflicker is my mate *Shinepetal padded to Oakfire* hello! my name is Shinepetal!

  3. Pantherhunt nodded and sighed. "Lets get this over with. Well train in the mossy Hallow." He meowed, ovious annoyanc in his voice.

  4. *Whiteheart padded to Oakfire and Shinepetal* hi Im Whiteheart and and he is wildclaw *pointed to wildcaw*

  5. *Wildclaws sat back, not really wanting to talk*

  6. Dawnstar padded over. 'Hello, Wildclaws. I belive you know who I am?"

  7. *shinepetal looked at Dawnstar and purrred* you must be the leader! *she smiled*

  8. Dawnstar nods. "Im just glad that clan can really start. I will say I had my doubts."

  9. Oakfire gave Shinepelt a shy smile and Leafmist was talking too much with Ravenflight Oakfire noteced.
    ~ Oakfire

    Wavefeather, well from now we won't need you to know any herbs that you have to try and I'll teach you all I know and that includes my strong bond with Starclan.

    *Wolfstorm pads up to Dawnstar with Stormbringer* Dawnstar, do you think that I could mabey mentor one of the next apprentices that is ready for a mentor?

  10. *Dragonpaw proudly padded to Dawnstar* GUESS WHAT!
    *he proudly showed his catch* I cought these *he showed her the aquirrel and the rabbit*

  11. Dawnstar nodded. "Of course. But You'll have to wait for us to find someone or Shinepetal's kits to be ready."

  12. Dawnstar smiles. "Great job! Dragonpaw, how many moons are you?"

  13. *he pondered in his head* almost seven

  14. Dawnstar nods, and looks around. "Where is Pantherhunt?"

  15. Dawnstar shook her head. "He would be here by now"

  16. 8Dragonpaw sighed* I'll go get him! *he ran off towards the Training Hollow*
