Friday, June 25, 2010

Apprentince's Den

The apprentinces sleep here.


  1. *Dragonpaw padded in and made up a small clump of bracken and put moss over it and patted it so it was comfy and flat and he put in his precious blue jay feather, from his first kill, a blue jay and he circled and lied down in his nest enjoying the comfort*

  2. Silentpaw are you in here? It's time that we went to go hunting and after you can care for the queens and their kits.


  3. Silentpaw padded in and curled up in a nest. "Wolfstorm wants you to go hunting after you've taken care of the queens and their kits," a voice said. Silentpaw whipped around, thinking that she was alone. Her eyes widened. "O-okay," she stammered, and rushed out of the den.

  4. Lillypaw padded in happily and chose an available nest.

    Mountainpaw padded in beside his sister and chose the nest next to her.
