Monday, June 28, 2010


Dawnstar sits, enjoying her evening meal when a pack of about 10 rouges burst into the clearing, clearly on a rampage of destrustion. Dawnstar yowls, and charges at the nearest one, and slashes open their shoulder. He turns and bites, skimming the leaders side.

(countinue commenting under post)


  1. *Dewdrop tackles the rouge with all the power of zim (LOL) and claws his belly hoping it might slow him down, but she was wrong, the rouge hissed in her face abnd Flameflicker leaped and fought him with Dewdrop* *Dragonpaw growled and leape don a rouge and hissed in its face* this is for attacking my mentor! *he clawe dit sbelyl and leaped over it and leaperd on its bel;ly and bit its neck hard* *Shinepetal ran to the nursery and got pinned by a rouge*

  2. *Whiteheart heard the fighting when he was in the forest, when he got into the camp clearing he headed right towards the leader and tackled him* We told you that we never want to see you untill the day we die! *whineheart spat as he slashed at the leaders belly* *Wildclaws burst out of the warriors den and seen Shinepetal getting pinned ,He ran up to the rouge and tackled him ,He held the rouge down and chomped down on his neck ,Wildclaws let go when the rouge went limp* are you ok *he asked shinepetal*

  3. Pantherhunt limps to his feet, and jumps at the rouge threataning Dawnstar. He slashes his neck, and waits for him to go limp like most cats, but he leaps and slashes at Pantherhunt's shoulder. He tumbles at the rouge, pinning him and slashing his underbelly. The rouge returns the attack with a swift slash on the face.

  4. *Shinepetal nodded to him frozen in fear* *Dragonpaw hissed in pain as the rouge sliced his belly but a surge of power went over him and he leaped on the rouge an clawed his enck until he went limp* *Dewdrop and Flameflicker clawed the roue ran off*

  5. Pantherhunt stuggled, pre-wounded from his earlyer fight, and finnally wounded the rouge enough to kill him, but not quite. The rouge's final attack was a hard bite on the throat, and the two toms fell, the rouge still biting in death and Pantherhunt bleeding to death.

  6. Wolfstorm was watching Pantherhunt getting killed so he jumped on top of the rouge and yelled to Stormbringer to keep Shinepelt safe. He slashed the rouge on his under belly and his neck at the same time and the rouge died. He saw that Panterhunt could still be saved and brought him to Wavefeather and Meteorpaw.

    Meteorpaw what do we use to stop the bleeding?

  7. Meteorpaw doesnt even need to think. "Cobwebs, but apply a Marigold poltice first incase of infection" she meows, already applying the life-saving herbs.

  8. *Dragonpaw was pinned and a surge os power didn't come, he wasn't really weak and his paw was hurting and he didn't know what to do then the rouge pinning him buit his neck veru hard and he gasped in pain and was ready to choke* *Ravelflight pinned a rouge thatwas leaping towars Leafmist and clawed his belly and hissed in his face* NVER COME BACK MOUSE-BRAIN! *the rouge ran off screeching in fear* *Dewdrop and Flameflicker icked each other's wounds* *SHinepetal cowered staring at the scratch on her belly bleeding madly and looked at Stormbringer*

  9. Dawnstar leaps at the rouge pinning Dragonpaw, and barrels head-first into his side. She leaps on his and claws his neck, angery for him hurting a clan apprentice.

  10. Wavefeather!!!!!!!! Come quick it's Shinepelt and hurry she's bleeding badly!!


    Do you think that you can care for Pantherhunt by yourself so I can take care of Shinepelt and her kits?


  11. Meteorpaw meows worriedly "I belive Ive done all I can do for him. But, he has a slim chance of survival." She draggs Pantherhunt to her den, then looks around for anyone else in need. Her gaze settles on Dragonpaw, and she rushes over and drags him to the entrace of the den and cares for his wounds.

  12. *Dragonpaw growled in pain at his paw, he should be helping his clan but being healed by a medicine cat* *Ravenflight nticed Dragonpaw was out and clawed a rouge's belly and bit his neck and then clawed his enck and the rouge went limp and cold*

  13. Dawnstar knocks aside many rouges leaping at unprotected warriors, killing all of them. She panted heavily, but she knew she had to fight seven times as hard, one for each of remaining lives, to match the courge of her clan.

  14. *Ravenflight helped Wolfstorm fight off a rouge and groaned as more rogues entered the camp, Dewdrop was exaghsted and got slammed by a rogue and so did Flameflicker*

  15. DAwnstar yowled, jumping infront of a rouge about to deliver a deather blow to the grounded Flameflicker, and is thrown into a Dusk Peak, bleeding badley and losing a life, but glad she saved Flameflicker and killed the rouge.

  16. *Flameflicker opened hsie yes and saw his mate breathing slow and weak he grabbed her scruff and dragged her to the medicine cat den and panted with grief hoping his mate wont die his pelt was bleeding heavily he had no chpice but lie in the medicine den as well* *Ravenflight clawed a rouge's neck hard and with such emotion and kileld him and scared off an apprentice rouge and continued to fight*

  17. Metoerpaw gasped when she saw the deputy and warrior, and immeadiatlt begins healing, scared for their and Pantherhunt's lives.

    DAwnstar finnally woke, and went on fighting harder than before.

  18. *Ravenflight panted and heard a howling sound (can I make Wolves come because I want to know your answer?)

  19. (What answer? Im fine with anything. If you wanted to make a prophecy and a battle Id e totally fine, just warn me on the cbox.)

    Metoerpaw raced out of the med. Den searching for anyone who needed immeadiate care.

    Dawnstar relaxed when she saw all the rouges dead.

  20. Wavefeather grabed all the herbs she could carry that were needed to help Shinepelt.*she ran across the clearing to start healing all she could* Stormbringer put the cobwebs on the wound and hold it there till I put the marigold polution to stop infection.*she raced back to Meteorpaw to help her heal the hurt cats.

  21. Meteorpaw looks around. "Wavefeather, We're out of cobwebs..." She says these word that can determin lives with as much calm as she can muster.

  22. I know we need to have an apprentice to go and get more cobwebs! Dragonpaw do you think that you can go get more cobwebs for us?


  23. *Dragonpaw mewed* but I am no medicine cat! I know no herbs!

  24. All we need is spider webs I think you can do that or should I have you check the elders for ticks for the next moon? They are also called cobwebs or spider webs!!!! We really need them.

